Community Resource

Family Promise of Cape May County

(609) 846-7862
North Cape May

Family Promise of Cape May County

Family Promise of Cape May County is a program designed to help families who are experiencing homelessness. We are a non-traditional sheltering program that only accepts families with children. A network of faith based organizations and over 1,000 volunteers provide temporary housing and meals for up to 4 families at a time (maximum 14 people).

We have an intake period that takes from 3-5 days. Included in this intake process, potential families are screened for drug and alcohol addictions. This requirement assures that the families are a good match for our program.

While families are in our program, they receive full-time case management to assist with overcoming the causes that led to their homelessness. The families establish goals for employment, housing, education and child care. Through a safe, nurturing environment families can work on these goals to lead them to permanent housing and future success. The hospitality provided by our large support system of volunteers and the acquisition of new life skills enable 75% of our families to move to and maintain permanent housing.

  • Provide shelter, meals and case management for homeless families.
  • Help homeless families find a home.
  • Refer homeless families to appropriate agencies for job training or retraining and family services.
  • Increase volunteerism an advocacy in the community advocacy to meet the needs of low-income and homeless families.

Everyday, guest families utilize our Day Center located at 505 Town Bank Road in N. Cape May. The Day Center provides guest families with access to laundry and showers facilities, phone and internet access, a full kitchen, and a small area for each family member to keep their belongings. From there they are provided with transportation, by a van owned by the network, to work, school, appointments and errands. It is also where families work with the Case Manager to develop an individualized plan to regain housing and self-sufficiency.

Family Promise of Cape May County consists of faith congregations from Cape May to Ocean City, which together harness the resources of over 1,000 volunteers. Each evening guest families are transported to hosting congregations where volunteers welcome them as guests into their church or synagogue and provide them with meals, hospitality and overnight accommodations for one week. There are currently 15 hosting congregations in the Cape May County network.

We believe that it is unacceptable for even one child to be without a home in Cape May County or anywhere in our country.

Family Promise of Cape May County works with homeless families and tailors individualized plans that will help them take the necessary steps toward lasting independence.

All Family Promise guest families receive:

  • Overnight accommodations at a local congregation
  • 3 meals a day
  • Intensive case management
  • Day Center with internet access, phones, laundry, showers, kitchen and personal space.
  • Transportation assistance to school, work, appointments, etc.
  • Social support from volunteers
  • Linkage with needed social and educational services
Eligibility Homeless, NO Substance Use
Age Groups
  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Adults
  • Seniors
Community Services
Spiritual / Cultural
Payment Types
  • Free
  • Low Cost / Donation
Areas Served
  • Cape May County

Last Updated: 05/24/24