Professional Development

Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT) Level II Training

Tuesday, November 18 -
Thursday, November 20, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT) Level II Training

Level II consists of 22 60-minute small group supervision sessions every other week for one year and a 3-day Advanced Workshop. Must have completed Level 1 (two-part Introductory ABFT Workshops) to participate.

Webinar 1: 11/18/25

  • ?Discuss therapist fears and barriers in implementing ABFT.
  • Explain how to access one’s own woundedness.
  • Identify how one’s own person of the therapist (POTT) issues may promote and/or inhibit working with attachment in families.
  • Discuss the purpose of deepening emotions in ABFT.
  • Describe how to use the “self” to deepen emotion.
  • List at least 5 emotional deepening techniques used in ABFT.

Webinar 2: 11/19/25

  • Demonstrate how to deepen emotion when facilitating the relational reframe session.
  • Discuss how to manage common challenges when engaging families in the relational reframe.
  • Specify how to elicit and deepen emotion in the attachment narrative.
  • Identify the importance of exploring the content of relational ruptures to deepen emotion.
  • Describe barriers and solutions experienced when working in sessions alone with young people.
  • Demonstrate how to deepen emotion when eliciting the attachment narrative.

Webinar 3: 11/20/25

  • Discuss how to work with couples in the context of ABFT.
  • Explain how to manage caregiver resistance in sessions alone with them.
  • Identify how POTT issues may impact working with caregivers.
  • Describe how to manage defensiveness in attachment repair sessions.
  • Demonstrate how to use emotion-deepening techniques when coaching an attachment repair session.
  • Specify how to manage challenges experienced when facilitating the autonomy-promoting task.

Continuing Education Credits
CE Certificate Fees: $40 per certificate for APA or ASWB CEs

This program is being offered for the following contact hours of continuing education: 19.75 hours

This training is co-sponsored by US Journal Training. US Journal Training is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor Continuing Education for psychologists.

US Journal Training maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Last Updated: 02/10/25